Thursday, September 29, 2016

Engagement Pictures

We are hitched!!
Keith and I have officially tied the knot as of September 17th! ...which hopefully explains my long absence from the blogging world ha! Our day was absolutely perfect in every single way.
Since I've been gone for so long, I suppose I'll start at the beginning. 
Back at the start of the summer, Keith and I took our Engagement pics! Since we met at Clemson University, we knew early on that we wanted to take our pictures there. HOWEVER, we had to wait until school was out since there are only 17000+ students who attend.
 No Biggie. 
We also have been getting SO MUCH RAIN, so each time we'd schedule, we had to reschedule which was super frustrating. Thankfully, our photographer was great about the whole thing and was so laid if all of his clients wanted to schedule their portraits at the same time as a torrential down pour.
Our photographer was Trevor Mercer and to say he was awesome is an understatement. Trevor pulled up in the most modest car and immediately felt at ease. He thought going up to Clemson was a great idea from the beginning. He never questioned the distance and although our shoot was LONG, he said several times, if there was a place we even thought we'd get a good shot, that we could head that way........despite the heat.  
I've mentioned it before, but its definitely worth mentioning again that Keith is no picture taker--he actually hates taking them ha! But somehow, Trevor made Keith feel so at ease about the entire thing that they were both laughing by the end of it. Love!
 I have been DYING to share these!! There were a bunch of pics but here are a few of my favs: 
My favorite guy in this whole entire world! 

We also decided to bring Cubby along for the trip. A 4 year old lab + 90 degree heat + lots of excitement= one interesting scenario for our sweet little pup. Ha! My mom was so sweet to offer to keep Cub company as we took a million pictures. I am so thankful for that! 

Such a proud pup he was. Cubby was cracking us up the entire time. We heart this pup! 
On this same bench, waaay back in 2008, it all started with a "Hi" 

I can't wait to hold on to this hand for the next 197 years! 

As we were taking pictures, my mom and Cubby were busy making friends. As we were walking back up from Death Valley (yes, Trevor even took pics there too!), the sweetest couple was busy speaking to my mom and Cubby. Their daughter is also planning a wedding this fall. They were more than happy to let Keith and I hop on their golf cart and snap some pics! 
Complete strangers.  

So so nice of them!

Note: All photo cred goes to Trevor Mercer Photography

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Monday, July 25, 2016

We found Dory!

 Image result for finding dory

Ok so this post has been sitting in my drafts since the 4th of July weekend (eeekkk)! But this have been so busy around here since Keith and I will be getting hitched very very soon! And we can not wait!!!! Also, my blog has been acting super wonky lately and is doing something really weird regarding the font. Hopefully this will be resolved soon (fingers crossed)  :)

Each summer, Keith and I make our way to the movies to see one of the summer's biggest hits. This past weekend, we went to see Finding Dory. I know I say this about every Pixar movie but IT. WAS. SO. CUTE! 

On the way in, I mentioned Toy Story 3 and how I really hoped this movie wasn't as sad as that one was and it was at that moment that Keith and I realized this was becoming a tradition--watching cute movies during the summer :)
I have to say that I enjoyed Finding Nemo a little more than this one though (we watched it again once we got back just for good measure) and it was a tad better. Even so, I love Ellen as Dory and I'm glad they tried to tie in the concepts previously used in the first movie.

Even in the midst of pure crazy wedding planning madness, I am so glad Keith and I can take a few moments (or hours) to just hang out with each other. I really think that's super important and something I hope we can continue to do in the future....especially when start a family and a playing zone defense most of the time between our kiddos ;). 

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Strawberry Picking

A couple weekends ago, my mom and I went to pick Strawberries at one of our local farms. We missed last since Keith and I were just beginning the craziness of moving. I was so glad we were able to make it happen this year.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous! Perfect for some berry pickin'

They at this particular farm, there is an option to either pick your own or just buy some. Of course we opted to pick our own so we could eat more than we picked pick the best ones we saw.

Mama concentrating on the berry pickin' :)

Although we'd been outside for about an hour at this point, our bucket was still only about half full hahaha!


Finally full!  It only took all the live-long day a couple hours. :)
One of my favorite parts about coming to this farm, it that its literally in the middle of nowhere so the ride is definitely a part of the fun.  I love this tradition and doing it with my family. (I have mentioned before how much they hate taking pictures but they were there I promise!) I really hope Keith and I can continue this tradition for years and years to come. 

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Friday, June 3, 2016

We Are Getting Married!

At the end of last summer, Keith and I went on the most amazing vacay and the most amazing thing happened: we got engaged! 
Read more about that here 

Keith and I will be tying the knot in about 4 months and wedding plans have been in full swing! We got engaged way back in August and I still feel like I am floating on that big fluffy cloud even  10 months later. 
 From the very beginning, both Keith and I made a pack. We agreed that we wanted it to be all about us. We weren't really into all the bells and whistles and everything in between because we know that it would just be us two for the next 131 years so we wanted to start off our wedding as just that. I could not wait to start planning the moment I'd been dreaming about for my entire life...what I didn't realize was how much stress it would be!
I had no idea there was a such thing as 'good stress' but planning a wedding is just that. I love it!
Luckily my mom has been in a gazillion weddings and has helped friends with a million more so she has been a HUGE help. 

In the very beginning, we tackled the big things first: location, venue, church, photographer and wedding dress

Then we moved on to the smaller things: colors and themes, figures out a budget, guest list and gift registry! 

We've also come up with a clever hashtag: #cheerstothecoleses :) 
At this point we still need to get the little things mom calls them the 'incidentals'. Ya know, this like the photo booth, gifts, (including party favors) , finalizing the guest list, seating chart and song list and Party Favors! 
The past 10 months have been so so much fun but these next few are going to go by at warp speed. Prayers are greatly appreciated!  This summer, I can not wait to finish things up, the parties (of course) and finally marrying the love of my life at the end of the summer! Eeek!!!

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Show and Tell: Best Vacation Ever

Today I am linking up to share my most favorite vacays!

The first major get away for me came when I was an Orientation Ambassador at Clemson University. We went to a convention for all of the ambassador all the way in the Bayou! I'd never been 13 + hours away from home. AND we drove! ahh. But the driver was super nice and it was so much fun! Here's the thing, being an Orientation Ambassador, it is your job to let everyone know how awesomely amazing Clemson is as a student and overall. All other schools from the Southeast were at this conference too, and well, it was kind of like cheer-camp on steroids. I have never been to cheer camp, but I've seen Bring it On....that counts right?  ;) 

 I I loved going to LSU with some of the most out going people Clemson had to offer! 

Mike the Tiger was seriously my favorite part

We also went camping on the Appalachian Trail. So pretty! 

But as a disclaimer, I was born and raised in the city so nature is not really 'my thing'. 
 I'd love to say I am adventurous...except for when it comes to nature. Ugh. We 'camped' there for 4 days straight and I was about to die. Fun...but nature--ick. Ok so we weren't actually in a tent but we were in a cabin--with electricity---in the middle of nowhere so it counts right?! ;)

The summer after, Keith I went to Atlanta to see all we could see. 

This was our first vacation was a crazy long distance from home. Read more about that here!
All though it was super fun being in a car for 8 hours, we all but agreed that flying was for sure the way to go ;) 

Las summer Keith and I took a trip to Washington, D.C. and it was all sorts of amazing. 

And magical. Little did I know, a few hours after taking this picture, Keith would be down on one knee asking me to be his forever. Love this guy!  

Keith and I will be getting married in 4 short months---ahh! I can not believe it! Honestly I am looking forward to the epic vacay that will be our honeymoon BUT I love reflecting on the ones we have been on.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Day 1 of P4

I started my clinical rotations last week and I thought I'd document MY LAST FIRST DAY EVER!

Here I am bright and early for a quick morning run. Nothing says 'hello forth year' like a brisk 4 miler! 

There were other people at the gym. I promise ;) 

Here's the walk up from the parking garage. I mean how cute is it?! I have lived in Columbia, SC for all of my life (with the exception of school) and I am always amazed at the little nooks I find.
I have actually been on this rotation before...back when I was in my second year. And I loved it! This time around, I am on rotation with 5 other students. All of us are in our 4th year of Pharmacy school.

 Beside the pharmacy there is a banquet hall they were setting up for a function. I had no idea it was even there!
For lunch we had all the deliciousness of Zoe's Kitchen. Yum!

Then we watched training videos. 

Celebratory Starbucks Latte for making it through my first shift!

Before heading home, I stopped to run a few errands at our local mall. 
Once I finally got home, I was exhausted but so so SO excited to not have to stay up studyign my life away for an exam ;) 

I love day in the life posts because one day, when I am working as a pharmacist, I want to be able to look back on these days as an intern and remember the humble beginnings. There is no pay for rotations. The pay is supposed to be in the form of 'experience'. With that being said, it can be a little difficult for some.
The last year of pharmacy school is unique in that it is still technically school but in a more practical sense of the word.  You don't have your typical professor and exams, instead you have a preceptor and projects.  If I am being completely honest, I have to say I love the idea of putting my skills to the test in project form way more than exam form ;).

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Catching up

Whew! Finals are done and I am almost half way done with my first clinical!
Here is what I've been up to lately. Warning: long post ahead ;) 
Before leaving school I found the cutest coffee shop not far from campus called yo' cup. I needed as much coffee as possible so I frequented it A LOT!

Pharmacy school is 4 years but after the third year, everyone branches off and goes on rotations. So at the end of the third year, our school has a banquet as sort of like a going away party. It was bittersweet to say the least. On this particular night, no one was thinking about the finals we had coming up on the full week of non-stop studying that was in front of us, but rather we were trying our best to enjoy the last hurrah of sorts. Of course my phone died mid-way through so I couldn't really take many pictures but it was such a fun night! 

I am sure  Pharmacy school would have been a lot less eventful without these folks.  

In the mist of it all, my favorite player of all time retired from Professional Basketball. I have been a sports FANATIC ever since I can remember. (Think wearing jerseys and playng a ton of video games while everyone else was at the mall ;) )  I have truly loved the game of basketball since I was 11 years old and Kobe Bryant played such a big part in that. Thanks for every thing Kobe!

The day after my last final ever (!!!!!!) we celebrated my sweet mama's birthday. My mom has always been one to not make a huge fuss over her birthday, Christmas, or anything else that involves presents or the spotlight being on her. So Keith and I decided a few months ago to tell her we were 'celebrating' me being done with didactic course work and once it got closer, we told her it was actually a celebration for her birthday! She was beside herself;) Keith also got a new car recently so it has been blessings all around around here :) 
It was only fitting that we went to our favorite restaurant of course!

The very beginning of our meal...

...And the very end
We each ordered a desert. I ordered cheese cake and they gave me an entire cake! I may or may not have eaten the entire thing by myself. (What can I say? I'm not one to let things go to waste ;) )

With my peeps. Love these two so much 

Wedding planning has also been in full swing around here! I held off a little due to school and just got the major things out of the way. The other weekend, I met with my bridesmaids to pick out dresses and on the way home, I got into a little fender bender. No worries, I was not at fault and both of us were fine BUT poor Penny (my car) was a little injured :(. Having to deal with my car, wedding and everything in between was NOT fun. Not even a little   

The past few weeks have gone by so quickly! I have been told that once you get done with classes (whether it be college, or grad school) life goes by quickly......and once you start working, life goes by in something very similar to warp speed! I can't wait to see what these upcoming months will bring.
Wahoo! Cheers to being one step closer! 
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