Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Day 1 of P4

I started my clinical rotations last week and I thought I'd document MY LAST FIRST DAY EVER!

Here I am bright and early for a quick morning run. Nothing says 'hello forth year' like a brisk 4 miler! 

There were other people at the gym. I promise ;) 

Here's the walk up from the parking garage. I mean how cute is it?! I have lived in Columbia, SC for all of my life (with the exception of school) and I am always amazed at the little nooks I find.
I have actually been on this rotation before...back when I was in my second year. And I loved it! This time around, I am on rotation with 5 other students. All of us are in our 4th year of Pharmacy school.

 Beside the pharmacy there is a banquet hall they were setting up for a function. I had no idea it was even there!
For lunch we had all the deliciousness of Zoe's Kitchen. Yum!

Then we watched training videos. 

Celebratory Starbucks Latte for making it through my first shift!

Before heading home, I stopped to run a few errands at our local mall. 
Once I finally got home, I was exhausted but so so SO excited to not have to stay up studyign my life away for an exam ;) 

I love day in the life posts because one day, when I am working as a pharmacist, I want to be able to look back on these days as an intern and remember the humble beginnings. There is no pay for rotations. The pay is supposed to be in the form of 'experience'. With that being said, it can be a little difficult for some.
The last year of pharmacy school is unique in that it is still technically school but in a more practical sense of the word.  You don't have your typical professor and exams, instead you have a preceptor and projects.  If I am being completely honest, I have to say I love the idea of putting my skills to the test in project form way more than exam form ;).

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